Born to Fly Podcast

029-ways to figure out what you're good at

Episode Summary

Want to figure out what you're good at? I give you a couple of ways to navigate through this. Hope this little episode will help you take the next step towards your calling(s).

Episode Notes

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Want to figure out what you're good at? 

I give you a couple of ways to navigate through this. 

Hope this little episode will help you take the next step towards your calling(s).



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Episode Transcription

I don’t think David was expecting to one day become a king. I don’t think he was in the field, sheep herding and all, and imagining that. Do you? I guess not.

However, God destined David to be a king. He equipped David with what was necessary to rule the nation of Israel. 

We know in hindsight that the road to kingship was a long and arduous one for David. 10 years he was fleeing for a king that was a little bit crazy. But God paved the way. He shaped David. He shaped his character and competence. 

And even though character is extremely important when it comes to living out your calling, it’s too much to cover now. I can talk about it in another episode. Instead, I want to focus on competence today. Competence that is given by God. To David, to you, and to me. 

To explain competence and how to figure out what YOU are good at, I will use an eagle analogy to explain this concept. Without its wings, an eagle wouldn’t be able to survive. It wouldn’t be able to fly and it wouldn’t be able to hunt. Flying and hunting are skills. It needs to be mastered. Especially if you’re hunting animals that are twice your size, like apes. ---yes, some eagles do that. 

It’s clear that such a thing takes time and practice to learn. Just like any skill that you want to grow. 

So that’s one wing of an eagle. The skills-wing.

And then there’s the other wing. The aptitude-wing. The wing about your talents. Talents you were born with. Things that you are naturally good at. 

David was a naturally good musician.

But David learned how to be a leader.

I have no doubt that you are good at things too. You also have two wings, your skills-wing and your talents-wing. In order to do the most exceptional work for God--work your destined to do--you need to know what those skills and talents are. Whether you’re on the streets helping the homeless, or you’re behind a computer to get funding to keep helping the homeless, makes a huge difference. Therefore, KNOW your strength.

So how do you figure out what your strengths are? What you’re good at?

Let me give you 3 assignments to help you figure it out.

Grab a journal or a device and jot these things down.

  1. Ask yourself the following questions:
  2. Which activities give you the most appreciation of your environment? Just by observing, not because they tell you. Honestly, you can tell if you pay attention.
  3. What do your friends compliment you on? If you don’t know, ask around. Email friends and family—at least 5 people—and ask them what they think your talents are.
  4. What were you good at in previous jobs or in school?
  5. What were you good at as a child?
  6. Take some time and fill out a personality test. I will link one in the podcast description that I personally really like. This free test will give you a lot of insights and information about your personality, including your strengths. When you fill out the test, try to be as honest as possible and go with your first response. Answer from the person that you are, not the person you want to be. 
  7. Now collect all your answers of assignment 1 and 2 and see which skills and talents stand out. Next is to circle the ones that you LOVE doing. Because sometimes you can be good at something, but that doesn’t mean you like or love doing it. Which is essential to flying to great heights. To keep motivated and to endure when times are more difficult.

By doing these 3 assignments, you’ll create a list of things you’re good at. Keep this list. Store it in a spot where you can access it easily when you need it. For a job interview for example. 

And know,,, that it’s okay if it takes a while to figure out what you’re good at. Some have been telling themselves for way too long what they’re NOT good at, burying their talents under all that insecurity. It will take time to dig it out and to tap back in to see what you’re actually good at. Fortunately, you don’t have to do it alone. There’re people who want to help you. And of course, God will surely love to point out the gifts he’s given you!

I hope this short episode helps getting you a step closer to figuring out your next calling. If it did, let me know! Either in a review or by sending a message through

Talk to you next time. And don’t forget; you’re born to fly!