Born to Fly Podcast

041-imposter syndrome

Episode Summary

Do you feel like an imposter sometimes? In this solo snippet, I will address the "imposter syndrome".

Episode Notes

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Starting out a business can feel daunting. Putting yourself out there requires courage.

And sometimes we lack courage. 
We lack confidence. 
We start questioning if we are the right person to start a business.

This episode is for you if you suffer from imposter syndrome.

Give these 5 minutes a chance. It will make you feel better :)



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Episode Transcription

If you’re starting out a business, you might feel like me; a total imposter.

After giving much thought to actually beginning a business for yourself, what type of business you want, the services you are going to offer…now there’s suddenly something else you have to deal with.

Your own convictions.

Having a client is suddenly daunting.

What if this client will be disappointed?

What if you can’t guarantee a certain outcome?

What if the client thinks you are not what you claim to be?

That makes you an imposter.

And then you start wondering: what were you thinking… Being a freelance copywriter, coaching students, launching your own clothing line, whatever it is that you want to achieve, it sounds impossible.

Dear listener,

I feel you.

Perhaps you have no track record to show for.

Perhaps there are many people out there who are better at what they do than you.

Perhaps you feel like you’re not worth the money you ask for.

Perhaps you’re afraid to even ask for money.

All because of one thing: the lack of confidence.

It is hard to step into the business world with full confidence.

And it’s so easy to feel like an imposter. Like someone who just fakes it till she makes it. Or not make it for that matter.

It’s easy to feel like you’re not the person you claim to be.

Your own thoughts can bring you down.

Other people’s words and comments can bring you down.

Clients who don’t value what you do and don’t want to pay your rate, can bring you down.

That is all real and happening.

Making you question yourself.

Who are you to open a co-working space?

Who are you to write newsletters?

Who are you to create film scripts?

Who are you to build a SaaS business?

That’s what we think, right?

That’s how we get the imposter syndrome.

By talking ourselves down.

I wish there was a cure. Like a formula to follow. But I don’t think there is one. Or at least, not a one-size-fits-all.

In my opinion, there are some steps that we can follow to feel more grounded, more confident, and secure.

And that begins with: talking with God. 

If He called you to entrepreneurship, well then brother and sister, you have to OWN it. If He is for us, who can be against us? It’s easy to forget that we have such a powerful God, but if we would remind ourselves every single moment of this fact, I think we wouldn’t feel too often like an imposter.

Then there’s a part that is on you.

Feeling like an imposter comes from feeling insecure. What is causing that? Figure out what it is and come up with actions that will counter that feeling.


Do you feel like you lack a track record?

Start building one. 

Do you feel like you’re not seasoned enough?

Look at what you’ve already accomplished.

Do you feel like you don’t know where to begin?

Figure out the tiniest step and start there.

Do you feel like you miss knowledge?

Do your research.

Whatever it is, I’m sure you can get to the core and sort out what needs to happen in order to feel better.

You can do it!

But, never forget that you are a child of God. He is our foundation and in Him we stand strong. Your identity will never change—regardless of how successful your business is. Knowing that and being reminded of that every single day, like it’s tattooed on your body, would that change how you feel? How face your situation?

I hope it does.

The imposter syndrome is very common among early-stage entrepreneurs. And it will come and visit you many more times after you started, but it’s not a reason to give up. It’s the perfect test to see what you’re made of. How resilient you are in Christ.

We can conquer imposter syndrome.
We can conquer anything. 
Because we are more than conquerors. Through Him who loved us.

Romans 8:37