Born to Fly Podcast

064-super useful tips for TikTok, with Alex Hitt

Episode Summary

Is TikTok a once-in-a-decade opportunity? Expert social media coach and digital creator, Alex Hitt will tell you. And he'll share super useful tips for starting with and using TikTok.

Episode Notes

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Is TikTok a once-in-a-decade opportunity? Expert social media coach and digital creator, Alex Hitt will tell you. And he'll share super useful tips for starting with and using TikTok.

After listening to this episode, you can decide whether or not TikTok is a channel you should use for your business and you'll know how to get started and fly within weeks!

What we discussed in this episode:



Episode Instagram vs. TikTok:

Hook, Story, Offer method (by Russel Branson, co-founder of ClickFunnels)

UGC - User Generated Content /

Tiktok’s sophisticated in-app video editor Capcut: – free every other Thursday

Tiktok - @creator_tutorials /


Head to to find out more about the Accountability Community for Christ-driven Solopreneurs.

Episode Transcription



And welcome to another episode of The Born to Fly podcast. Thank you so much for tuning in again, and I hope this guest Alex Hit will not disappoint you cuz Alex is the expert on. He says himself, he's an expert in social media. He's a social media coach and a digital creator using his skills to make online marketing easier for businesses.


He runs a popular TikTok channel called At Creator underscore tutorials, which provides simple and effective tutorials for social media creators. As a coach, Alex is always on the lookout for the latest tools and technologies to help streamline processes, achieve the best results, and drive sales. So today is gonna be all about TikTok, TikTok, TikTok, and social media, and I hope you will get to decide whether or not to use TikTok, um, or maybe to improve your TikTok channel.


So tune in and join and learn. So, hey Alex. Thank you so much for joining me on the Born To Fly podcast. Yeah. Thanks so much for having me. Yeah. I'm very curious to talk about TikTok. I had one conversation about TikTok versus Instagram before and I just wanted to know more. Uh, I know you're the perfect guy to ask just.


Tell us a little bit more about you. You have a very interesting story for like how you ended up where you are right now.


Sure. So my background is I was a hotel manager for a number of years, and in December of 2019, my girlfriend, I picked up our bags and bought one way tickets to Hawaii and moved to Hawaii with no car, no job, no apartment, no connections.


and got jobs at hotels. That's what both of our background was in. And then shortly after that, we got laid off because of Covid thank, and we were in this, yeah, so we're on this brand new island, you know, brand new, you know, Hawaii, rent payment and no income. And we had to say, what the heck are we gonna do now?


And, you know, nobody knew how long it was gonna last. So I did a lot of different things. I drove food delivery. I had an online job. I flipped furniture on Facebook. I mean, I did anything. You  a lot of things to make money. After about a year, I kind of realized, man, you know, hotel management doesn't really look like a very good career path anymore.


Uh,  and so I decided to become a real estate agent and through social media I was able to sell 3 million of real estate here in Hawaii, which was shocking to me cuz I didn't know anybody. I had no connections here. And just through social media, I was able to meet people and and sell, sell a couple of houses.


And I said, wow, maybe I know some things about social media. And I started using this new app, TikTok, and I was just shocked. I was like, oh my gosh. Like in my first month on TikTok, I got, I think it was 200,000 view.  and that had never happened on Facebook or Instagram or LinkedIn or anything. So I started asking other businesses, Hey, are are you using TikTok?


I said, no, no, you're not. Should we? I'm like, yeah, you, you totally should. And the reason they weren't was because they just didn't know how. And so I started coaching a few people and then a few more. And then, you know, I guess here a year later, I have a full, you know, full-time business off of it. So kind of a classic entrepreneur journey.


I don't know, classic, but you know, entrepreneur journey. Yeah. I


dunno. Much classic. Yeah. .


Yeah. Yeah. Maybe well finding, you know, maybe a, maybe a typical or I don't know, but finding something that was working for me, other people needed, it created a, my own kinda service and style around teaching it. And then just have built over the last year piece by piece by piece at a time, all the different aspects.


So now we have a course with over 200 hours over recorded content. We have community events we bring in. Some of the biggest creators on TikTok. We just had somebody with 10 million followers on TikTok come to a presentation for our group and coach people, and you just develop them, you know? Now we offer editing too.


So, I mean, a lot of, a lot of things, but it really just started off with helping people on Zoom. Yeah.


It expanded very quickly, I think. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But basically what you meant with like the, the classical, you know, entrepreneur story is basically you found a problem that needed to be solved and you jumped on that.


So I think that's what you meant,


right? Yeah. And created a lot of people say like, don't create a product and then try to find people who wanna buy it. It's like, find what people want and then create a product around what people actually. . And so I was like, okay, what do people need? Well, people need to learn how to do TikTok.


Well, I can teach 'em how to do that. Yeah, well how do you teach 'em? And that was kind of a discovery process too, of how do people need to learn? What's the best way to teach them, you know, what, get all the different styles. Cause you know, everyone kind of has their own style of learning or producing videos or making TikTok.


So a lot of learning through. Yeah. Now we got a, now we got a pretty good system.


I can't imagine that, you know, teaching stuff online, there are so many ways to go about it. So for you, it's also this kind of learning curve, like how am I gonna teach people what is gonna work for them? I, I bet you know, you also had to experiment a little bit


with that.


Yeah. One of the big game changers is I'm able to now join the meeting.  using Zoom, you can join the meeting from a cell phone and then screen share from the cell phone. And so I can actually show people, not hypothetically, but literally the step-by-step instructions in real time on how to produce or do the things on TikTok or on their phone that they need to do.


Mm-hmm. . So that wa, that was a big game changer and something that I kind of learned as the process went on. I'm like, okay, people really need help, especially at the. With, I call it like click by, click direction. Yeah. Not like a hypothetical of like, oh, you should try to make your video. No. It's like, how do you actually edit it?


Like how do you move the clips around? How do you push? I mean, how do you push record? How do you, yeah. Stop and start your videos. And so giving people like a literal click by click understanding of exactly what to do is really important. I haven't seen a lot of other coaches or other kind of social media creators that they're doing.


They maybe give you a templates and, yeah, templates or ideas or maybe a kind of a structure, but they're not actually showing you. Click on this button. It takes, takes a lot of patience, but, um, oh yeah, , I come from a hospitality background, so I'm used to dealing with, I been doing the same thing over and over again.


You know, checking people in the hotel every day, all day for eight hours a day. So teaching people TikTok for a couple hours a day, it's not a, not


a big deal. No. No. Okay. And so now you say, okay, we have online courses. Are those pre-recorded steps that you put on those, uh uh, that are available in those courses or is it something you do every time live during Zoom session or, yeah,


so we do have the course, which I go through kind of by myself, and I'm walking you through, , you know how to post a video and it's about a two minute, three minute long video.


And I'm just walking you through, here's the, you know, fastest way, click by click, click on this button, click on this button, screen sharing for my phone. And that's recorded into a course. So if you did wanna refer back to it later, then, then, you know, could use that. But I've found a lot of people, they like to come and talk to a live human being.


Yeah. Even though probably everything we, you know, I teach is in the course, people like to have, myself included, like to show up to a call, talk to a person, and take it kind of at their own. Yeah, and it's more


interactive cuz I think you can also ask questions and you know, when you actually have them, instead of sending you an email or whatever, I'm sure they can ask questions, you know, regardless if it's life or not, but, so, but okay, TikTok, we all know the hype, you know, people are, are just sharing about, you know, the views are so much more than on Instagram or Facebook or whatever, but is TikTok a social media for everyone?


everyone use TikTok. Like, what's your opinion about that? What? What would your advice to people who are considering joining TikTok?


Yeah, I, I definitely think that there's, it's funny, they say like on TikTok, there's like a niche for everybody. You know, you could be a left-handed Austrian piano player and you could probably find a community on TikTok.


I think that, yeah, there's definitely a place for everybody on TikTok. It's short form video, so that can be a. Change in the style of content for people. So a lot of people, you know, the average viral video on TikTok is like 17 seconds long. Mm-hmm. , a lot of people can, can't get out their name and what they do in 17 seconds.


So how do you make a video that's gonna represent your brand and be professionally and, you know, communi it's. It's a big change for people. But yeah, I think everybody needs to be on TikTok the most popular, you know, most downloaded platform in the last three years. I think a lot of people maybe have kind of a dated experience or perspective on it.


A lot of people think like, oh, you know, I get this a lot. Like, oh, you're a TikTok guy. Oh, you gonna do give me dance lessons? It's like nobody, I don't think even think people will dance on TikTok anymore, like sometimes, but it's really not that type of platform. The platforms really evolved over time. I kind of compare it to when YouTube first started, when YouTube first started, it was.


Bo Burnham and the Double Rainbow Guy and funny dog and cat videos, and now multimillion dollar, billion dollar companies have all of their educational resources on YouTube. But if you would've told B2B company back when YouTube first started, Hey, you need to post YouTube videos, they would've been like, you crazy.


Like, what are you talking about? That's for kids or you know, Facebook. Oh, Facebook. When it first started. Oh, that's where high schoolers and college kids. Yeah. Well, if you would've started and posted content on Facebook or on YouTube in the first couple of. You would've had a, you know, you would've benefited for the next decade.


Mm-hmm. . So you have that kind of once in a decade opportunity here today, right now to invest on TikTok, build that following before really everybody else does and potentially benefit for a long, a long, long time to come. So, yeah, I definitely think. All businesses should be on TikTok, and especially right now, because like I said, the competition is so low.


I, I, I think like 90, you know, I talk to businesses all day long. 99% are not using it at all. But everyone's got a LinkedIn profile, everybody's got a Facebook profile, everybody's got an Instagram, and you just, you're competing with people on those platforms who've been doing it for a decade. And the organic reach is low, you know, for, for a number of reasons.


And it's kind of a rabbit hole to go down. But it's very, you know, I don't use TikTok as, I'm just like, I'm in love with. It's the most effective for growing my business. And so that's why I do it, and that's why I suggest other people do it.


Yeah, I think what keeps people back is the short form content and that they have to make videos.


I think a lot of people don't wanna put their face out there or don't know if they're not, if they're not gonna put their face out there. Like, what, what is your video gonna be about? You know, how do you build, how do you make a video? I think that's the, the, the biggest hurdle for people to really consider TikTok as one of their main social media.


Is that something that, that you hear as well? Like people have a fear of


Actually that was me. I mean, I did not wanna be on camera. I was not a social media guy. I would be the guy who like posted on Facebook like every four years and it would be, you know, like a sunset. It wouldn't even be me. You know, I didn't wanna be on camera.


Yeah. But I realized if I did want to be an entrepreneur, that I had to be on social media. Mm-hmm.  and creating videos without my. And without me talking requires a lot of time, you know, to make a video that performs well where I'm not on camera, that takes way too much time. So I said, okay, I have to suck it up, you know?


And really I came to the point, I said, what the heck do I have to lose? Yeah. You know, getting on camera and, and, and, and, and talking. And then in my first month, 200,000 views and now I do a million views every month. And it's like, wow, okay. That wasn't. You know, that's not so


bad. And how many videos do you share a month, approximately?


Probably between 30 to 90.


Oh wow. So it could be like one a day or maybe three a day. Mm-hmm. .


Alright. Alright. Yeah. At one point I did 10 videos a day for an entire month, 300 videos in a month as a little challenge to myself and, uh, show people that you know you can do it. And that was the first month I went like super viral and I had a couple million views.


So, but that is a big obstacle for people is showing their face and then knowing what to.


Exactly, I was thinking that, you know, the other one is like, okay, if you put 90 videos out there every month, that's, you know, what are you gonna say in those 90 videos?


Yeah. Yeah. And it, it, it's kind of a spiritual journey cuz you realize, you're like, oh, I'm an expert in what I do, and then the camera comes on and you don't feel like an expert anymore.


You feel like you're, you sometimes you just like, do I even know anything about the Right. So there's a lot of tools that I use. I, I write down every idea that I have or I record it directly into TikTok, just a little voice note. And then with these new. You know, these AI tools or these AI scripting tools are really good at get, get, getting you ideas and kind of getting the ball rolling.


And then the great thing about TikTok is you can repeat yourself. Mm-hmm. , I mean, the, the real advantage of TikTok is it doesn't really function like the other social media platforms for a long time. This comes from the ceo, uh, the American CEO of TikTok. He said, TikTok isn't really about connection.


That's what Facebook and Instagram and all these original social media platforms were built off. Were connecting people. TikTok isn't about connection, it's about consumption. Mm-hmm. , how do they get consumers consuming? Content, and this is kind of where TikTok has been villainized, is that it is really good at getting people to consume a lot of content.


you know, that's why it's good for marketers. Yeah. It's a, yeah. People are addicted. I think I, I heard a suggest they said that 20% of TikTok users are obsessed with TikTok. Obsessed using it all day long, you know, and it is the most used app people, they say the average user uses it for 45 minutes a day.


That's a lot. Yeah, it's a lot. Yeah. Yeah. It, oh, back to the consumer's consuming content. Right? That's really what TikTok.  very addicting. And that's good for marketers because people are gonna be on there consuming a lot of content. And the really, the real advantage of TikTok is because it's not about connection, it's about consumption.


The discoverability, meaning people finding you, is the highest out of any other social media platform. It's not, it's not based around who you're already connected with. It's. . TikTok is really trying to send you content that they think is interesting to you, and so you're constantly seeing new content that TikTok is curating and suggesting to you based upon your particular likes and interests.


Mm-hmm. . Okay, so it's interest based more than, you know, you could say search based or connection based. Or relationship based. Yeah.


What the other social media, uh, channels are doing. Okay. TikTok is different than the other,  than the other social media. If people wanna start out, like, what are the most important lessons that you've learned?


Like what are the most important things they have to think about? When they start, are there like some insights that you can share with them? You know, some hacks that they can jump ahead, you know? Sure.


Yeah, definitely. So the first is to get started, to start producing videos. Literally just hold your camera up to your face.


Hold it a little bit above your face. Don't look down into your camera. Hold it a little bit above your face and start to produce 32nd videos. And I know that seems just like, what do they talk about? You'll, you'll notice that all pretty successful TikTok videos follow, follow a similar style, which is popularized by Russell Brunson.


It's called The Hook, the story, and the offer. Okay? So a hook is something that you say at the beginning of the video to catch people's attention. And these are things that you could, you could think of this as like the headline of a newspaper, right? Which just something that you say to capture people's attention.


So an example of. Example of a, a TikTok group that I do that's been successful is like TikTok just made a huge update. Okay? I didn't really give any informa. I'm just saying, Hey, this is why you should watch the video. You have to give somebody a reason to watch the video, and then you want to, A lot of times businesses are doing information based selling.


They're providing information. They're positioning themselves as the expert. They're sharing an A tip, a hack, a secret, a checklist, a how-to A tutorial, something like that. But always be remembering that again, TikTok is an entertainment. Platform. So you have to mix information and entertainment. Mm-hmm.


you know, I always give the example that people on social media say, oh, just give value. And then everyone's gonna, you know, watch your video and you're gonna be famous. Well, you know, the library has a ton of value in it, but nobody goes to the library. Why? Well, it's not very entertaining. It's not very entertaining, and so make your videos enter.


You know, entertain, how do you do that? Well, you, you try not to talk really, really slow. You know, you kinda gotta talk fast. You gotta, you can use your hands and you can talk in an excited kind of uptone and have the pacing and, and have texts come in and graphics, you know, this kinda gets into editing.


But doing the hook, doing a story that combines information and entertainment and then having an offer at the end to follow you, to gauge with you, to reach out to you. The offer is important for businesses cuz businesses are like, mm. , you know, what's the ROI on the TikTok? Yeah. How am I gonna get sales?


Well, you're gonna get sales through, through one, through attracting people to the video, giving people information, feeling like, okay, I got something. This person's knowledgeable, this person's an expert. And then doing the proper call to action to drive that traffic to where you want to go. Because TikTok is really good at getting people's attention, but it's not always good at keeping their attention.


Mm-hmm. . So you want to try to migrate that attention off of TikTok as soon as possible to a platform that's better optimized at following up with people into a Facebook group, onto your email. To your YouTube channel. These things are better at engaging the followers that you do have. Something that's really interesting is you'll see accounts on TikTok who have 200,000 followers.


You go to their videos and their videos are getting 300 views. Why is that? Well, it's it's because TikTok is, it's not connection based, right? They scan each video and they say, is this a good video? And if it's a good video, based upon their a. Based upon their retention time, based upon a number of other metrics, they start sending that video out to more and more and more people.


So that's why I always say like, yeah, get their attention on TikTok, and then as quick as you can, try to move 'em off. But that's, but, but discoverability being found is I think where a lot of small businesses really struggle and really need improvement. It's not that they don't have a great website or product, or that they're a bad salesperson.


It's just in the grand scheme of things, nobody knows who you. . And so you need to get known by way, way, way, way more people than you think you do. Yeah. A quick example of that, sorry. A quick example of that would be, I had a video on TikTok. It did 30,000 views, 30,000, and I was like, wow, 30,000 views. Like that is so many people like where are all my clients?


Right. And I realized I live in a really small town, okay. Called Kailua on a small island called Oahu in Hawaii, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. My small town on the small island has 30,000 people in it, right? There's 336 million people in America. There's 7 billion people in the world. 30,000 people really isn't that many.


Mm-hmm. . And so I think as marketers or as business people really need to change our goals. Perspective on how many people we actually need to be reaching in our, with our content to get the results that we want in our business.


Personally, my perspective. And how can people find you on, on TikTok? Do they look for hashtags like Instagram or like how does it work?


Yeah, that's a


great question. So there is a search feature through TikTok and pretty shocking statistic came out. 40% of adults between the ages of 18 and 24 40% use TikTok and Instagram as opposed to Google when looking for restaurants and different events in their local area. So TikTok really is a search engine.


Okay. But that's not really the bread and butter, so to say, of TikTok. Mm-hmm.  or like how most people use TikTok. Yes, people definitely search, but kind of back to where I was talking to before was it's interest based. Okay, so there's something on TikTok called the four You page. And the four U page is designed in curated content that's for you, that's, um, based upon your interest.


Mm-hmm. . So for example, if I go on TikTok and I look up Cat videos and I start liking them and commenting on TikTok is gonna be like, oh, this guy likes cat videos. Let's send him more cat videos to his for you page. And the four you pages were 90% of people. 90% of their time. So then they're gonna keep sending cat videos to my for you page.


Then they're gonna say, you know what, let's send him a dog video. Cause dogs and cats, those are kind of related. I think he might be interested in dogs too. Oh, okay. He really likes dogs. Funny dog videos too. Let's send him funny dog and cat videos. Then they're gonna say, okay, send him a pig video. Does he like funny little pigs?


Oh, he doesn't. He doesn't like I do, but let's say in this example, I don't, right? I don't watch the pick video. I keep skipping the pick videos. Well, they're not gonna send me the pick videos. They're gonna keep sending me the dog and cat videos. Yeah. So how does that work for our business? Well, if you're talking about real estate, well, TikTok has every incentive.


To send that real estate video to the relevant audience for you. So it is similar to a paid advertisement because if TikTok sends people a bunch of content that's irrelevant, they're gonna log off of the app. Yeah. And they're gonna go do something else. They're gonna go search on YouTube or something.


So it's really great for, for businesses because. You don't have to target the video. You don't have to say 18 to 25 year olds in Denver, Colorado. TikTok is trying their best to target that content as effectively as they can because if they target that good content to the right audience, well that's like an amazing user experience, right?


Yeah. So it


kind of feels like.  pretty easy in, in terms of you actually don't have to do a lot . Just be consistent. I think about like your message and what you're, what you're sharing. Not like one week talk about dogs in the other week, talk about Christmas trees and you know, and they're like, what? What is this person about?


So, okay. Interesting. That's new. Yeah. Yeah.


Sending TikTok the right information, saying the right keywords, including the right keywords, putting those in your description in the hashtag. Interacting with the right people. All of that is sending TikTok information. It's, it's creating something kinda like a a, oh, it's called an affinity cluster.


This is like a data science term. I'm not like an expert in data science, but there's these different kind of niches on the internet, and you're basically trying to interconnect with all these different touchpoints within your niche to tell TikTok, Hey, this is my audience. Send this out to people interested in this kind of cluster.


Mm-hmm.  of data and users. Yeah. Yeah.


Good to know. Okay. Are there any other tips or tricks that you're thinking of that you'd need to share now?


Quantity is very important. Quantity the amount that you post is really, really important. People think like, oh, I'm gonna post, you know, five times a week. That's good.


And if.  content quality is really high. You know, that can definitely work. But if you look at really of the, any, any of the really big creators, they usually start by posting a large amount of quantity because that gives you the reps mm-hmm. , you know, and the skills, you know, you develop the skills. So I try to give everybody the challenge of posting every day, if not more than once a day.


Cuz you get better as you go and you're definitely gonna not be very good at the beginning. But yeah, the more that you do it, the better you'll get. So, try to, and it's hard for business. Because I think quality is so important for their business. Yeah. And like if you don't put out the most high quality, best edited video, then it's gonna make your business look bad.


That's not true on TikTok. The style of content, the style of business advertising has completely changed. If people don't know the term U G C user generated content, everybody should go look that up.  because that's really the style that's kind of proliferated across businesses, which is a much more organic, much more authentic, low production value.


It almost feels like it comes from somebody that, you know, personally opening up their phone and recording mm-hmm.  in a personal video that's not for $10 million company. Yeah. But these are actually the most effective types of marketing that you're, that you're seeing right now. Um, and I think that's because people are very kind of against the traditional marketing and sales pitch.




flash is,


Techy. Yeah. The flashy, techy, overproduced, maybe traditional commercial that you might see on TV style. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Can you imagine what you see is a, is is something important to look up?


Yeah. Okay. So you recommend people who wanna start out to first produce like, uh, I don't know, 50 videos before they start so they can actually like, get going.


Yeah. Create a lot of videos. Uh, I would talk to somebody who definitely, who'd like knows something, right? Talk to an expert. But a lot of times I'll tell people. Just start producing some videos. I'll give you a general outline, the hook story off where maybe give you some intros that you could say, and then finding what works for your particular style.


Some people are not fast talkers. Some people can't do a fast talking video, so maybe they need to go a little bit more dense. Maybe they need, right, finding what works for you using the analytics within TikTok. What video is getting the most views or what's creating the most followers. You can see all that information in TikTok, and then once you find something, Doubling TripLink quadrupling down and doing that style of video over and over.


Mm-hmm.  and over and over and over again. If you look at any, uh, like a lot of these really big channels, it's, they usually find something that works and then they do that thing again and again and again. Okay, awesome. That's, it's really about finding what works for you. Kind of the equation is you plus what equals viral, right.


Or equals high conversion rate. And that's gonna look a little bit different for every business, but it does take a lot of experimentation. Well, I, so what you're seeing, yeah. What you're seeing a lot now. Companies will pay a lot for ad creative for people to create a lot. They'll just basically have a ton of different videos created for them and then test them with paid advertising to find which one produces highest.


And nobody really knows. Um, because kind of, uh, you know, things change and if somebody's using kinda the same intro, it gets a little bit overplayed. So you gotta gotta change. But even paid marketing companies are taking the strategy up, produce a lot of content, test what. And then duplicate what has worked.


Right. Cool. That's probably a pretty simple concept, right? I guess that's pretty true on everything, but


I know, I know. But it's good to hear. Just people need to know, cuz you know, in the, the first week you might not get the views that you want. You just gotta produce, produce and experiment. Okay. What works?


What doesn't work? What's my style? How do I. You know, you also want the most energy in your videos, like what works for you. So it's just practicing. And so one thing that's very important for TikTok is also editing, right? So is there, are there like any apps or something that you can recommend that people should use for editing?


So TikTok actually within the app has a really, really powerful video editor. I create 90% of my video.  within TikTok with no other outside software. And I think that was kind of the, the big part, the big, one of the big reasons that TikTok became very popular was because the in-app editor is very sophisticated.


It's pretty easy to use. That's a lot of the things that I coach on, is how to use the in-app editor. Mm-hmm. , you can do green screen effects within TikTok without having to know about how to use Adobe Premiere or, you know, one app that a lot of people use is called Cap Cut. Um, cap cut, C A P C U T. That's.


Owned by TikTok, but I do, like I said, 90% of my videos within TikTok, just using the in app video recorder and editor. Yeah. Okay.


Okay, cool. Well, I think, uh, if people wanna know more, they should reach out to you, . So, uh, where can they find more about you? Do you have like anything coming up, like Masterclass is freebies, now's the time to share.


Sure. So I have a. Free networking event called Creator Networking. It's where creators connect ev it's every other Thursday. Um, you can go to creator, creator, and that's just a great event to get connected to meet other social media creators to find opportunities to meet me.


I'm always on it. And, uh, you can follow me on TikTok. My, uh, TikTok profile is called Creator underscore tutorials, creator underscore tutorials. Cause my profile is a, a lot about teaching people how to do great content, right? Yeah. So I do step by step, those kind of click by, click directions on my, um, TikTok profile.


So, Yeah, those would be kind of the two places to connect creator or follow me on TikTok at Creator


tutorials. All right. And so you don't use your personal name for, uh, for TikTok, right?


I don't  I don't, no, no. My name is on there, but, uh, no. I go by not for business. I go by the city. Yeah.


All right. You probably could look up Alex, sit and find me. Um, A L E x H I t T. Um, but yeah, easier way might be creator tutorial.


Yeah. No, no, no. I, I was just interested. So, uh, anything else, Alex, that we didn't, didn't touch on that you actually wanted to share about? I don't think so. I, I think we covered a lot today.


Maybe. I think so too. I was like, I don't want him to spend too much . Okay, perfect. Yeah. I just wanna thank you for being on the show and for taking the time to share all your, um, yeah, all this information and all these.


Thank you for listening to The Born to Fly podcast.


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